Key West: June 18

 We started the day sleeping in late. After 6 am. Then we had special coffee while we separated laundry and stripped the bed. By 9:30am, we had finished three loads of laundry and we were headed offshore for what Debbie said was “snorkeling.”

Debbie is a modern day Huck Finn. She can make work sound fun. Like snorkeling. When in fact she meant, “dive the boat and scrape off ten thousand barnacles until you can’t breathe any more.”

We got to see a lot of reef fish because they swam up to us to eat the barnacles as we scraped. We got to have lunch and then finish the scraping. In fairness, she never overtly asked me to help. She just suggested we would never return to dock if she had to do it alone.

Afterward, I asked if we could swim over one of the coral heads below and she complied. Then we got in the boat and headed for the dock.   

We let the boys run around because it was unlikely they would leave the boat.

When we got back to the dock, we invited the resident charter captain and his crew to join us in the flybridge while they awaited the arrival of their passengers that was supposed to be at 4. By almost 6, Debbie kicked them off because we needed food.

While we were eating, our friends Dennis and Rachel slithered in from the sandbar. Apparently they did not have barnacles on THEIR boat!  

Still beats a day in the office! More fun to come. But everyone is tired now.


  1. What a great trip! Those kitties look very content. They might never leave the boat!

  2. Beautiful, clear water! Cheers 🍻 Lion Tamer

  3. So jealous. Wish we were there

  4. Hillarious! 😂V&T 🥰


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