Day Two

 To avoid sleeping on the existing bedding, Debbie packed an inflatable mattress. Unfortunately, the berths in the staterooms are oddly sized so she could not fully inflate the double mattress. So sleeping had a sort of  “bounce house” quality to it. And then there were the cats. They had been crated all day so this new playhouse had to be explored. They raced from the top of the stairs to the other side and back for HOURS. Then they burrowed in under the comforter because only one heater works and it is freaking COLD!

We got up at 5:00 am for some nice warm coffee with Baileys. The kittens were ready for a nap. 

The mechanic arrived at 8:00 and showed Deb some of the stuff that needs to be done.

After he left, we took on some fuel and headed to pump out the waste tanks. Only one cooperated so we only lost half our shit. Add another task to the list!  

We took the rental van back, threw out the rest of the mattresses in the other rooms and showered. Deb is in the process of trying to make dinner right now while the breakers pop because we have heaters and an ice maker and the microwave and a few other appliances running simultaneously. An additional issue is that I unpacked everything so she doesn’t know where anything is and I can’t remember where I put it! Fun!

We hope to leave in the morning to start the trip home. Wish us luck! The blog may actually start to get interesting. 


  1. Wow, you always make challenges fun and I love that! Have the best time on the water! Go Cattitude Go!

  2. have projects.
    Safe journey. See you at home in a few days.

  3. You’ve got CAT CLASS and you’ve got CAT STYLE! 😸
    Happy motoring!

  4. If all went smooth then what fun would that be, overcoming challenges is what you girls are all about!!


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